Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Weekend Update

We didn't do a whole lot this past weekend, but Andy and I did get out for a date night on Saturday with our friends to attend a charity event at the Children's Museum. It was a lot of fun.

Diana watched Max while we were out. He had a tough time when we left the house.  He was screaming his face off crying, but about 10 or 15 minutes after we left I got this text from Diana.

Max ended up having a great time with her playing lots of games. He always has a hard time when we leave, but always ends up having a great time.

With our upcoming house guests approaching we decided to get the guest room ready. Andy painted and I started shopping for decorations. Max helped me shop for the grandparents guest room and he was pretty excited to find items for his grandmas and grandpa's room for when they stay with us. I found this neat wooden item for the wall, but it needed some white paint and Max was adamant that he help me paint the item for grandmas and grandpa's wall.

He was such a great helper, but as soon as he got bored I took over and got the project done. I am pretty excited to see the outcome of the bedroom once everything is hung and complete.

It was a warm weekend, but not hot enough for the pool since our pool is still cold. Instead, we busted out the sprinkler for some good times. Max had a great time just playing and cooling off in the sprinkler. He is ready for some pool time though and is eager for our pool to warm up.

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Weekend Overview

We had a lot of fun this past weekend. On Saturday we went to the last Cubs spring training day that we had tickets for. It was extremely hot but Max cooled off with his spray fan that we brought and he got ice cream again inside. Unfortunately Andy didn't make it to the game because he stayed in the parking lot to watch the rest of the Badger game. Max wanted to go in, so I took him into the game.

We took Max to Emmy's birthday party on Sunday where they had a bounce house. Max had a good time.

We also through army parachuter's over the railing in our house. That activity was filled with a lot of giggles.

Grandma S and Mackenzie were in town this past weekend visiting and Max had a lot of fun with them. He wasn't so sure about aunt Mackenzie, but by the end of the weekend Max and "aunt Kenzie" were best friends. He even picked out a Hot Wheel of his that she could play with. Talk about progress in a short period of time.

By the way, I am still doing Whole 30 and today is day 21. I am dominating this challenge and loving every minute of it. I will provide a full update following day 30.

Thursday, March 16, 2017

Festival Fun

On Sunday we took Max to the Ostrich Festival and we had so much fun. Max and I got wrist bands so that someone could go on the rides with him. Let's face it, Andy barely fits into those kid rides, so I was the chosen one to ride all the rides with him. Honestly I wasn't complaining because Max giggled through every ride and it was a lot of fun to see him laugh the whole time. My back was not impressed the next morning though. I woke up needing to see the chiropractor, but it was oh so worth it.

This one was max's favorite ride and probably mine too because this one made him laugh the hardest.

I did not like the Ferris Wheel, but Max did. I definitely did not let that kid see the fear in me when we sat at the top while they let people off and I felt the chair rocking back and forth...NOT A FAN!

This is the ride that Max got me super dizzy on. He kept spinning that thing round and round until I was super dizzy.

This was the super hot ride. It was so hot in that little contraption that I just wanted it to end.

I had to squeeze my butt into this tiny roller coaster.

I was sitting next to a four year old girl who was screaming her face off on this ride. She was crying the whole time with tears streaming down her face because she was scared. I didn't really know what to do.

Max rode this ride all by himself just like he did last year.

After a couple hours of rides and sweating in the 90 degree heat. It was time to go home. Max hit his limit. Next year we plan to go on Friday night when it won't be so hot out.

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Go Cubs Go

Saturday was the second spring training of tailgating and sweating it out in the sun while we sat in lawn seats. Tailgating started with Max immediately playing cars with Owen. These two were absolutely adorable together.

The men took the kids to the park and the kids had a great time. They even got someone to take a group picture of them.

On the walk back, Max and Owen held hands the whole way.

All of the kids played very well together all day. It was so fun to watch Max play so well with my friends' kids and to know that one day they will become BFFs.

Once we got in the park we got Max some ice cream so that he could cool off a bit. He inhaled the ice cream.

Max played so hard with his future BFFs that he was absolutely exhausted. I think it was from playing hard and the heat. It was another successful spring training of spending time with such good friends that we call family.

Saturday, March 11, 2017

The Whole 30 Bandwagon

Well, we jumped on the Whole 30 bandwagon that is all the craze right now. My girlfriends introduced this to me and my initial thought was "there is no way I am going to live by a set of rules for eating." I mean, this girl loves to eat. I then went home and started to research Whole 30 and discovered all the things that food is responsible for in your body. You can cure many ailments just by improving your diet. It's fascinating! I highly recommend you get the Whole 30 book and read it. I wasn't 100% sold on this way of eating until I read the book. It amazed me and if you are even remotely interested in Whole 30 I would recommend reading and researching. Besides health issues, I decided to do Whole 30 to get my old habits back. Prior to Max I was always a really good eater. I never ate sweets, said no to bread and ate plenty of veggies, fruit and fish. Oh, after my adorable son was born I got into really bad eating habits and it's mainly due to the convenience of it. I mean, it's a lot easier to pick up dinner than it is to make it on a Wednesday night when all the meat is still frozen in the house and you realized you forgot a main component in your planned meal.

For those that have not heard of it I will give you a little information on what we are doing. For 30 days Andy and I are eating only whole foods. That is meat, fruit and veggies. Nothing processed and no sugar unless it came naturally from the fruit. Absolutely no dairy (eggs are the exception) or alcohol. I love my cheese and wine, so this is a hard one for me. No dairy means no butter, but you can use ghee butter. I had to Google that one (among many of the ingredients we have been using these past 10 days). We actually like ghee better than what we were using. Peanuts are also a no-go, but other nuts are OK to eat. That means peanut butter is out, but I found a new love for cashew butter. More like a new obsession. I now LOVE cashew butter so much that I don't think I will eat peanut butter again. EVERYTHING is pretty much homemade. So, when it comes down to it, your ketchup and mayo are homemade. You pretty much shop at Whole Foods, Sprouts or Trader Joe's. Think natural!

This meal plan is a lot of reading labels and understanding ingredients. It's a lot of putting things back at the grocery store because it contains some funky word that otherwise means sugar. It's a lot of time up front. So, where am I finding the time to do this? I have no idea, but I am figuring it out. The internet is a great resource for everything Whole 30 so that you understand what's compliant and what's not. It's faster if I shop at one of the above mentioned grocery stores, but if I go to any other regular grocery store it takes a lot longer to read packages because I find myself putting everything back because it's tough out there. Those food companies can get pretty tricky with their labels. We also meal prep. We haven't been great at this since we are only 10 days in. We are still figuring things out, but I plan to do better with meal prep this weekend for next week. I think it will make the week a lot smoother.

So, how did I get Andy on board? He's a supportive husband? No, he's doing it for the health benefits. He initially said he would just do dinners with me, but then he read the book and also found it fascinating. That is how he said he would do it with me with one caveat: he will have alcohol on the weekends since we are in the month of spring training. OK, I thought that was fair.

We just finished day 10 and it hasn't been that hard for me. I did experience a major detox hangover at the end of day one, but since then it's been great. Andy's detox hangover lasted three days. He was ready to quit then, but I am very proud of him for not quitting and sticking with this. After only 10 days I feel AMAZING! So much better and definitely less tired. I have had no stomach issues and no days of being nauseous for 10 days straight. I am way less bloated and I am pretty sure I have lost a few pounds, but I don't know since I have not stepped on a scale. Andy stepped on a scale on day 8 and he lost 7 pounds just from eating healthy and eliminating sugar and the bad crap in your food.

So far I am not missing my bad food habits at all. The one thing I do miss is convenience. I have been struggling really hard with the lack of convenience with eating whole foods only. It's tough being a mom, working all day and having to make a dinner from scratch on the weeknights. I really just need to get better at meal planning. That is where I have been failing at this. I hope to plan better this weekend for the upcoming week.

So, what have we been eating? Steak (or salmon/chicken), roasted potatoes (no butter) and grilled veggies. Chicken teriyaki stir fry over cauli-rice. Hamburgers (no bun and compliant ketchup) with roasted potatoes and grilled veggies. An excessive amount of eggs, cashews, fruit and avocados. Homemade pesto zoodles with grilled chicken and roasted sweet potatoes. I plan to make a squash pie bake this weekend and zoodles with red sauce and meatballs. Everything has been very yummy so far. It's just using the right whole ingredients instead of ingredients that are filled with unnecessary foreign items. 

I will keep you posted on our Whole 30 journey and let you know the benefits we see. I will probably post again about this when we get to day 20. I do this all to be healthy and for this guy!

Thursday, March 9, 2017

Weekend Update

This past weekend we didn't have anything on the calendar so it was nice just to be free to spend the weekend however we wanted. Max decided that he wanted to go see the animals at the zoo, so of course that's where we went first thing on Saturday morning.

On Sunday Max helped me make zoodles with my new inspiralizer. I got this little gadget so that we could make zucchini noodles since Andy and I are currently do the Whole30 challenge/diet/plan or whatever you want to call it. The Whole30 thing we are doing is a whole other post.  Max had so much fun with the zoodle maker that he did pretty much everything by himself. We made all four different zoodle options. For dinner I tossed the zoodles with homemade pesto (minus the Parmesan of course) and served with grilled chicken and roasted sweet potatoes. The whole family voted that the spaghetti shaped zoodle was the favorite. Max loved eating them since he made them.

Of course we played a lot this past weekend. So much playtime that I only took the one picture.

Max played so hard this weekend that on Sunday he fell asleep mid-talking. He was laying on the floor waiting for Nascar to start (I just don't understand his love for Nascar) since it was supposed to start in five minutes and he kept saying he wasn't tired so therefore no nap. The next thing we knew he was out cold.

Thursday, March 2, 2017

R&F Lash Boost

I have been using Rodan & Fields products for four years now and absolutely love everything I use. I have been using the Redefine and Reverse face regimens for four years and they are amazing and have done wonders with my skin. I really wish I took before pictures four years ago so I could show off what the product has done for my face. Even though I am a dedicated user for over four years, I have only recently been selling the products. I mean why not sell the number 2 premium skincare brand in the U.S.? I can also earn side cash talking about a favorite product of mine to friends and family, and I can do it on my own time.

Even though I am extremely happy with both regimens, I am more excited about the Lash Boost. I have been using that for over 12 weeks now and my lashes look AMAZING! I can't stop staring at them. I honestly never thought a product could make my lashes look so great without having extensions put in. By the way, I am not a fan of lash extensions because a) I don't have the time for the up-keep and b) the expense is ridiculous.  When I saw that my already favorite beauty line launched a product to improve lashes I was all in. Just check out my own results.
The photo is only in black and white because I struggled with such a close up of my face.

Pretty crazy right? My lashes look even better since the above photos were taken. I guess I should update that image. My lashes are so long now that they touch the lens of my sunglasses when I am wearing them and that has never happened to me before.

Lash Boost is opthalmology tested: it's proven to be gentle and safe for everyday use and is suitable for use by contact wearers. It includes Panthenol for conditioning and Peptides and Biotin to protect your lashes. If you are just as excited as I am about Lash Boost and choose to try it, you will find that Lash Boost:
  • Helps you achieve longer-looking lashes
  • Helps create darker-looking lashes
  • Gives you younger-looking lashes
  • Improves the appearance of brittle and thin lashes
  • Boosts softness, elasticity and shine
  • Fortifies the lashes against further damage 
  • Moisturizes lashes
  • Enhances flexibility and resilience
If you are interested in learning more about the skin care regimens or having your own fabulous looking lashes that appear darker, longer and thicker please let me know or visit my website. http://www.jkoechel.myrandf.com/