Monday, August 25, 2014

First Real Boo-boo

Of course having a little one we would experience many bumps, scrapes and boo-boos. Even though I understood that I was not prepared to get this picture on Friday from Andy while I was at work.

It definitely looked much worse in person. His scratches were bright red and Andy said his mouth bled down the front of his shirt. Ugh! I guess he was in our closet with Andy while he was getting dressed and he was standing holding onto our shelves when he face planted right into the side of the shelf. There was blood and tears. The worst part was the corner of his mouth. Poor guy!

I reminded myself that this is the first of many boo-boos to come. I am sure though that each time this happens I will have a hard time with it. 

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Finger Painting & Train Rides

On the weekends I try to find activities to do with the big man to entertain him. When I look at the events that are going on in the Valley I find that the big man is too young. He's at that age where he's close to the age where he can participate in events, but just not quite old enough yet. I am sure by the time the winter events happen he should be able to attend stuff and have fun. 

I turned to Pinterest for ideas. I found a finger painting idea that should have occupied him for an hour, but it only lasted five minutes. Big time bummer! I guess he doesn't have mommy's creative artsy side in him. Since he is too young for actual finger painting I put the paint in a gallon ziplock bag and used contact paper to tape it to the glass sliding door. 

I was showing him the colors and how mixing them together makes orange. I even spelled his name and did everything to get him interested, but after five minutes he moved on to bigger and better things. 

After the finger painting fail I had to figure out what to do with him on Sunday to break up the day. The railroad park came to mind. I don't know why I didn't think of it the prior weekend when grandma Laura was in town because it would have been a good activity to do then. We took him to the park where he just LOVED the people watching...of course. We rode the train around the park together and he just loved it!

We also swung on the swing where he was more interested in what the kid next to him was doing. 

I tried to see if he would like to play in the sprinkler/misters they had in the park to cool off, but he was not interested. After that it was pretty hot so we headed home. Next time we will have to hit up the carousel that they have. 

Monday, August 11, 2014


For some entertainment all you need are 200 balls, a pack 'n play and of course the big man. He just loves the homemade ball pit.

Saturday, August 9, 2014


Somebody learned how to squint recently and now he does it all the time. It all started at bath time when Andy "got his nose" and it caused him to squint. Of course we laughed and now he thinks it's funny to squint to get a laugh out of us. This is way too cute!

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Making Room

Our house is pretty small...ok, VERY small. It seems even smaller now with the big man in the house. It doesn't have that neat and clean look to it anymore. Now, on a regular basis, it looks like Maxim exploded in the house. Between his toys, his Tupperware parties and the big dogs we are definitely outgrowing our home. I would love to move sometime soon, but that is just not in the cards yet. So, to make more space we got rid of our spare bedroom and turned it into the big man's play room. Now we can kind of corral the majority of his toys in the bedroom. There are only a few in the living room and the Tupperware parties always happen in the kitchen. It's kind of his thing.

We put down the padded squares, which he loves to rip up, and we got the two wooden toy compartments to try and contain his mess. He loves going in there and taking out all the toys and I like to put them away so he can spend another hour taking them out. It provides him with a good hour of entertainment and me with a little extra time to fold and put away laundry.

Madison is not too happy we took away her bed, but she will get over it. This is just my temporary solution to more space until we can move.