Thursday, July 26, 2012

Happy Birthday to Me!

Happy Birthday to me, happy birthday to me, happy birthday to me...happy birthday to me!So, it's my birthday today and I did have a great day.  It's definitely rough for me to get older every year and of course birthdays become less fun after the age of 30.  I wasn't as excited as I used to be...back in my 20's.  It was more just another day...not much of a big deal.  I went to work all day where I got PLENTY of birthday wishes from many co-workers.  I also got plenty of wishes from my FB friends. Then I get home and I got the most important birthday wish of all...from my husband.  I know that he knows I am not a fan of getting another year older (even though I become wiser), so of course he tries to make it special for me.  TMI alert:  I also have my period and so I am SUPER crabby and not in any mood to celebrate the aging process.  Andy, of course, got me a very sweet card and two Pandora charms to go with my bracelet.  One was a snake, which I had picked out earlier, and the other was a turtle to represent our honeymoon in Hawaii where we swam with the turtles in the ocean.  I thought that was pretty sweet of him since he picked it out on his own.  He also got me the most amazing hair dryer ever...something I wanted really bad.  Following the present opening Andy took me to a sushi restaurant that I wanted to try.  It's one of those restaurants where the sushi goes around the restaurant on a conveyor belt and you pick up the plates that you want.  It's not the best sushi, but it was a fun experience. 

How cool is this?

Earlier in the week Andy got me a birthday cake from Everything Bundt Cake.  This was that amazing cake that we had at the Seifert's last month.  It is so yummy that I have been eating a slice of it every night this week.  We had the cake on Monday night because my mother and cousin were in town and they helped us eat it so we didn't have a whole cake by ourselves.

It was a chocolate, chocolate chip cake with cream cheese frosting!

Another year older and another great birthday, besides tacking on another year to my age.  I am glad to have great friends and a wonderful husband to spend my birthday with.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Let's Get Caught Up

It's been a while since I have blogged, so I decided to try and get you caught up with Andy and I over the past month.  Warning: it's not too exciting!

1. I shopped a lot.
2. I decorated with the items purchased from the listed activity in #1. I would like to say I re-decorated, but the house was never really decorated to begin with so I can't say I re-decorated.
3. I finally got photos from our wedding blown up and hung on the walls...yay, as it only took over a year!
4. We spent a nice quiet and peaceful 4th of July together at home...not camping like we normally do.
5. Andy hung curtains that were purchased from the listed activity in #1.  He was not a good sport about it as he whined through the whole process.
6. We celebrated our good friends wedding engagement in Old Town Scottsdale one night and that ended with a cab ride home.
7. Throw in a mani and pedi for me.
8. We celebrated a birthday while sharing some laughs at the Seifert house...always a good time.
9. I definitely utilized my Pinterest account to make some awesome meals.
10. We did some major cleaning and organizing to prepare for house guests...which arrived today.
11. We had a friend in town last weekend so of course we went out in Scottsdale Quarter and ended the night with another cab ride home.

Ok, so you can see we are not that exciting at all, but I did have to get everyone caught up on what we have been up.  Above are the top 11 things we have done in the past month.  I will do my best to continue posting (hopefully once a week) about the adventures of Andy and I.