I had to go on a couple rides with Max since he wasn't tall enough to go by himself. He was mad and started yelling "I don't want to go with you, I want to go with my friends." Uhm...ok kid. Not my rules. This was a sign of him growing up and this was bittersweet.
Grandpa J and grandpa V arrived on Saturday to visit and this was a perfect day for their arrival because Andy and I went to a charity event at the Children's Museum with our friends. This was a fun night out with our friends while supporting a good cause.
I even got Andy on the dance floor. This is something you don't see...ever!
On Sunday we went back to the Ostrich Festival so Max could ride the rides with grandma. It was crazy busy on Sunday so the lines for the rides were insane. After standing in line for one ride we were over it. There was no way Andy and I wanted to do this all day long, so we went and bought "fast passes" for Max and my mom. They got to pass all lines and were always first to ride the rides. Granted this was not a teaching moment for Max, but more of a keep mommy and daddy sane moment. We will teach him "waiting his turn" on a different day.
What a great weekend with family and friends. Max can't wait to go back to the Ostrich Festival next year.
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