Last Friday we took the big man to his development appointment to see how he is doing. As his parents we think he is doing awesome and weren't sure if he really needed to go, but of course we took him. I also thought, what if we are just being "those parents" who think their kid is the best at everything and can't see the flaws, and then we get their and are faced with reality when she tells us he is super behind? Well, thankfully, that did not happen. We are right that Max is doing awesome. He is all caught up with his actual age for his language/vocabulary and playing skills. He is at 12 months for his motor skills. Not too shabby! The doctor was very impressed with him. She couldn't believe how caught up he is and how smart he is. I enjoyed watching the tests she would do and watching Max exceed them all. This mommy sat their with pride. I was very happy to see him be himself in her office and show her how awesome he is. The doctor actually said that if she was not aware he is a 10 week premie then she would never know and that is amazing. I just sat there and continued smiling with pride.

His vocabulary includes Mommy, Daddy, Doggie and Ball. Other things he just points at and says Bah. We can usually figure out what he wants. He also has four teeth in...the two on the bottom and the two on the top.
She is asking to see him again at 2.5 years old to make sure that he is still developing properly before he would head to preschool. She said she does that will all the premies, so ok, we made our next appointment for November of 2015.
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