We are definitely not Black Friday shoppers. I know plenty of people who join in on the craziness of shopping in the middle of the night and standing in long lines, but not us. That does not sound like fun to me. We decided to sleep in on Black Friday, but then Andy found an ad for a Christmas tree at Home Depot for $50 and said the store opened at 5am. We were definitely in the market for a Christmas tree and I really wanted to get one this weekend to get it decorated. I thought $50 sounded great, but 5am does not sound so great. I thought there was no way anybody would rush to the HD at 5am for a Xmas tree so I told Andy we could get there at 6am and that would probably be ok. He set the alarm for 5:30am and as everyone already knows, I did not get up. I told Andy that I was tired and a tree isn't worth getting up that early on my day off of work. Since he was already up he went to get the tree and arrived at 6am to find out they were already sold out. Bummer! Kudos to Andy for going though. He then decided that he didn't want to spend a day with me checking out trees in various stores to find a good price and the right tree, so he went online to Sears and purchased one for pick up. The tree he purchased already had white lights on it.
By the time I got out of the bed our tree was purchased and all we had to do was pick it up and get decorations for it. Our first stop was the annual trip to Ryan's Pet Warehouse to get the animals plenty of toys and treats. It's been two days and they already tore through three of the new toys. I did save a couple of the toys for the girls to open on Christmas morning. Such spoiled puppies! After Ryan's it was on to Sears for the tree and then Target for the decorations.
I always like the trees that are decorated in two colors and have somewhat of a theme. So, I went with various gold and red bulbs, gold beads to string and then I decided to make a topper out of red ribbon. I figured it would be easy to make the tree topper...right? We got home and decorated the living room and got the tree all put together and it was time to make the tree topper. Hmmmm....I had no idea what to do. Thank god for YouTube where I could find an instructional video on how to make a bow. All I needed was the ribbon, twine (or twist tie) and scissors.
Here is our tree all decorated for the holidays. I am pretty proud of this tree as it is my first every Christmas tree and it is my first tree with Andy as well. Our first tree together!!!!
Notice the homemade tree topper! |
All lit up! |
We are hoping that all animals stay out of the tree and don't cause any damage to it. So far so good. Captain likes to use it as his hiding grounds as he likes to lay on the tree skirt in the back and stalk the dogs. The dogs just sniff it...so far!
You made your own tree topper?? I don't even know who you are anymore!! ;)
Looks great!
Kim, I can give you tips if you like? :)
Good job, Jaimi! Your tree is so pretty. First Christmas as Mr & Mrs... you better remember the mistletoe. :)
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