On Saturday, February 4th we left town for a week and headed to Cabo, Mexico to have some family fun time. This ended up being perfect timing because The Open and the Super Bowl was in town this week which means we avoided the craziness this city was during that week.

Max loves to eat out and try new foods and new places, so he definitely enjoyed how much we ate out and all the cool places we ate at. The first night we had guacamole made at the table and this is something Max always requests at restaurants if they offer it. Grandma S also got him a balloon sword at this restaurant from a vendor walking around.

Another night we ate outside and watched a performance by a local singer. It was quite chilly out so the waiter gave Max a Mexican blanket to wrap up in.

We went to The Office on the beach one day for lunch and Max got to witness a bunch of adults do taquila shots. Notice I was not one of the adults in the picture taking the shot.

We went to another place on the beach and Max was begging Andy to do another shot so he could watch them blow the whistle and the "antics" that go along with doing shots in Mexico. Max thought this was hilarious.

Another bar had games and Max played Connect 4 with aunt Emily. He thought it was pretty cool to hang out with us at various bar establishments. Only in Mexico kid!

One night we ate at an asian restaurant right on the beach. This ambience at this place was really cool. We sat on pillows at our table. This sounded like fun at the beginning, but after sitting there for a while our old age started to show. The beach view is always a plus though.

The last night we were there we ate at a brewery on a rooftop over looking the ocean. It was a really cool place that had a live band.