We had a very busy weekend, but this past weekend is always busy for us. On Friday, Andy and I spent the day at the Phoenix Open in the skybox and then went to dinner with work people after the day at the golf event.

While we were enjoying some adult time, Max was picked up from school by grandpa T and grandma S. They went to dinner and had a sleep over.

Sunday morning started bright and early (especially after a long Friday) with Max's flag football team playing two games back to back. It's so fun to watch him play and put a lot of effort into it. It's also fun to see him grin ear to ear when he pulls a flag.

Saturday afternoon Max had a birthday party for one of his flag football teammates at a park. It was a three-hour party where Max played hard with all his football friends. Normally we have not been staying at birthday parties, but this one Andy and I stayed and hung out at the park with the rest of the flag football parents that we know. By the time we got home from the park, we were all exhausted.
Come Sunday morning Mas just wanted to lounge around and play video games, so Zoe joined him.

Then it was Super Bowl Sunday. Andy and I planned to stay home, but Max really wanted to go to his friend's house in the neighborhood to hang out for their Super Bowl party that we were invited to. We thought we would stop in since it's in the neighborhood and Max can play with his friends, so we did that. We were both so tired though from the weekend's festivities, but Max had a blast playing with his buddies from school. I did not take one picture. I think I was too tired to care.
The Open/Super Bowl weekend is always exhausting here. We survived another year.