As I mentioned in an earlier post, the state of Arizona was on fire and all of the forests were shut down so we couldn't do the camping trip that we planned. We figured out a plan B and that was to rent a house in Big Bear, CA with the Campbell family and take all three dogs with us. It was a 5.5 hour long car ride each way and normally that wouldn't be bad, but we just got back to town from our San Diego road trip so it was kind of hard to get back in the car two days later and drive to Big Bear. I was also wondering how Sammy was going to do but she was fine. She was excited at first, but once she calmed down she either just chewed her bones or slept.

Sammy and Hazel became best friends instantly. They played hard in the backyard together.

On Friday morning we got up and rented a pontoon boat on the lake for a few hours. Amber was our boat driver since she had the most experience driving a boat. We attempted to fish, but we caught nothing. It was fun just to be out on the lake.

We checked out downtown Big Bear for dinner and the kids got their fortunes read by Zoltar. You know the machine from the movie Big. We told Max the machine would make him 30 years old in the morning just like in the movie. Ha Ha!

The house we stayed at had lots of games and activities for the kids including a hot tub. There were also plenty of birds and squirrels the kids were feeding. The bluebirds in the area were very pretty.

On Saturday we went to an amusement park where there were a couple roller coasters, water slides and go-carts. The kids had fun burning their energy.

On Sunday the kids did plenty of holiday activities. They decorated cookies, made fruit kabobs, played with glow sticks, made s'mores and even tye-dyed shirts that turned purple in the wash. The shirts were actually really cool red, white and blue before they were washed. Oh well, we will do something different the next time.

Big Bear had fireworks down at the lake that the Campbell's went to, but Max HATES fireworks. He thinks it's way too loud, so we told him we would stay back with him and the dogs. The dogs were fine for the most part and Max really didn't care about the fireworks. We could see them a little bit from the deck, but not much.
It wasn't plan A for the holiday weekend, but it sure was a fantastic time. I would go back to Big Bear and rent another cabin anytime.