I haven't blogged in a while because I have been crazy busy, but I am going to get you caught up.
Max has really been enjoying his ninja classes. This kid is all smiles from ear to ear during each class. He gets so excited to attend and has a blast the entire time. I am so glad we signed him up for the class.

Max and I recently made chocolate covered rice Krispie treats, pumpkin bars, and foam slime.

We went out for a sushi dinner with friends. Max loves his poki bowls, but this is was his first time eating sushi rolls and he really liked it. I am not surprised because of how much he loves poki.

The tooth fairy came to our house again because Max lost the other front tooth.

Max and I spent a couple hours burning off energy at a trampoline park. This place was really cool and Max loved it because they had the warped wall just like in his ninja class. This place wore me out so much that the next time I take Max I think I will invite one of his friends. I am not sure I can handle this place.

Max went back to school in-person on Monday the 14th. Of course, he wore his gaiter mask all day. The one good thing about the gaiter mask is that it stays around his neck all day and he can't play with it. He had an awesome first week back in class. This boy was so happy to be back. I got my pre-COVID kid back and it's so nice.