At soccer on Saturday morning Max scored the first goal of the game. I was a very proud mommy. He also started to get a little more aggressive at trying to get the ball. Max was also super excited that grandpa T and grandma S were at his game. Maybe that is what got him moving pretty fast on the soccer field. Either that or the fact that it was not 90 degrees outside at 9am. It was actually a very cool morning which made for a nice soccer game.
Following the game, Max and I worked on his Star of the Week poster. Max is star of the week at his school and he needed to create a poster about himself that he can share with his class so his friends can learn more about him. As star of the week he will be the teacher's helper, bring a book to class for reading, bring a toy in for show and tell and bring toys for all his friends to play with on Thursday. Max was pretty excited that it was his turn to be Star of the Week.
We spent some quality time at the park.
To keep Max busy I came up with a superhero game we could play. First we had to make the bad guys/monsters using plastic cups, googly eyes, pom poms and construction paper.
The monsters were hidden in the house while Max and I got our superhero capes on. Superman for him and Owelette for me. We were superheroes looking for the bad guys. Once we found them we locked them away in jail. Max had sooooo much fun at this game. I think we played for two hours. I was exhausted after that. He wanted to keep going, but good thing it was lunch time so I could take a break.
The weekend was over with a Packer game on Monday night with grandma S and grandpa T.

We had such a fun weekend together. This coming weekend is a boys weekend for Andy and Max while I head to Palm Springs with my girlfriends for our annual trip. Of course I will miss my boys like crazy though.