We did Paw Patrol pumpkins. I thought this was a good idea, but it was way harder than it looked. Good thing the pumpkins turned out.
Halloween was a very busy day. Max had a party at his school and I volunteered to help with one of the Halloween projects. I helped the kids make pumpkins out of noodles and then ghosts out of Kleenex and tootsie rolls. I also read a Halloween book to them. It was so fun to see Max play with his friends while I was there. He really is coming out of his shy shell and school is definitely helping with that.
Following the Halloween party at school, Max and Andy met me at my work where Max got to trick or treat and go through all the fun Halloween decorations that everyone put up.
We dressed up as PJ Masks as a family. Max was super excited that we were dressing up as a family, but I am not sure if he was as excited as I was. I know Andy was definitely not thrilled, but he was a good sport and played the part of gecko from the hit TV show.
After getting plenty of candy at my work, we headed over to the Campbell's neighborhood for some trick or treating. This neighborhood never fails with their awesome decorations and giant full size candy bars they hand out.
We even roasted a marshmallow at one of the neighbor's house before we headed home with a very tired little boy.
Max fell asleep before we even got out of the neighborhood. I am not surprised because he ran from door to door with Stella and Briggs. This year he did not need me to hold his hand and walk him from house to house. He was a big boy that could do it with his friends. I was proud of him, but also a tad bit sad. I think this will be the story of our lives going forward.