We have had a very busy week. On Monday, Max had swim lessons where he passed level 3. He received a medal and is now in level 4.

On Tuesday we went to Max's school so he could meet his new teacher, Mrs. Amy. Max was excited, but also scared at the same time. Right now his class is small as there are only 6 other kids in his class. That could change though and they could add up to 12 kids in his class. Max put a project together while we waited for all the kids and parents to arrive.

Following his project he said he was ready to go home. Eeeek! No bueno! I pumped up the positive attitude and encouraged him to want to stay. We found his "cubby" where his belongings will go and mommy signed up to volunteer one hour of time in August. That day will be very interesting. Somehow I just don't see myself as a Pre-K volunteer kind of person. But hey, why not try something new...right?
We took a picture in front of the sign and we got Max a field trip t-shirt. That way when they take field trips Max will have a shirt to wear. I believe the first field trip is at "As You Wish" and they will go and paint a ceramic piece.

Max was not super excited about school. He's very shy and timid of other children. He's afraid he will be alone all day long since it's hard for him to make friends. We have been reassuring him that he will make friends and everything will be OK.
Today was his first day of school and Max was super excited to go this morning. He was bouncing off the walls with excitement. Andy and I were a little shocked by his behavior this morning, but we went with it. He wanted to go early, but we had to tell him to wait. In the mean time we took an official picture in front of the sign I put together that lists his favorite things.

We got to school and it was very busy with many people which caused him to be a little scared. We got him in his classroom and he was being really shy. He didn't want to do anything, but I got him to sit on the rug by getting him excited to sit on the letter M for Max. He thought that was pretty cool, so he took a seat and waved "by mommy." He said it in a sad voice and that's when I almost lost it.

I held in my tears until we got out to the car and then I lost it. Andy was laughing at me and taking pictures because he thought it was crazy that I was crying. He's just getting so big so fast. It makes me happy and sad at the same time.
Max got home from Pre-K and called me to tell me about his day. He was pretty excited to tell me that they have one bathroom for girls and another for boys. He likes his teacher, but says he didn't talk to any other kids yet. That's OK. In due time he will make friends with the other kids.
Pre-K is pretty tiring though. It wore Max out.