Hi blog followers, it's me, Izzy! Well, this past Christmas mom and dad took Madison and I on another journey to Wisconsin to celebrate with family. I am not going to lie it was a long car ride, but mom was a trooper and did her half of the driving both ways. I even started to get crabby once we hit Iowa as I did snap at my sister. Madison took it pretty well though. Once we got there we dropped Madison off at grandma Laura's house and I headed over to grandma Vicki and grandpa Jeff's house. I must say I really like their house as it gives me plenty of room to run like the crazy dog that I am. Once I arrived I was ready to play and let loose, especially after I was stuck in a car forever, but mom wanted to get some sleep. After much effort of convincing me to go to bed I finally gave in and laid down, but I was up bright and early to great everyone in the house.
Mom says I was a much better behaved dog this year. The only mess I made was when I turned grandma's white carpet pink, but that was not my fault. You see, mom gave me a pink bone to keep me occupied and she did not know it would bleed pink onto the carpet. Grandpa had to get his famous Bissel out and clean up the pink mess that I had unknowingly made. Hey, that is the only mess I made while visiting WI this year, which is pretty good considering
last year.
Madison had a relaxing time at grandma Laura's house and dad likes to say that she enjoyed her time away from my hyperness...I beg to differ though. Here is Madison at grandma Laura's house. This is her favorite spot in the house to lounge. She likes to claim the ottoman as hers.

The next night mom went out to meet an old friend of hers while I stayed in to rough house and then snuggle with the grandparents and their dog Shadow. Mom says she met up with an old friend that she hasn't seen in five years, but it was just like old times as if five years never past. Now that is true friendship. Here is a picture of mom with her good friend Mindy.

I must say this year in Wisconsin it was not as cold as the past two years. I must give a big thanks though to mom and dad for buying me a sweater this year in preparation for the cold weather. The sweater was so mom could take me for walks to wear off some of my boxer energy while not freezing my butt off. Here I am prior to one of our walks and then mom and I after we got back from our walk.

One great thing about WI is all the kids I got to play with while I was there. I got to play with my cousins Kyle and Tayler quite a bit. Here is me with Kyle.

There were even plenty of more kids for Madison and I to play with up at dad's side of the family in Wautoma, WI. While Madison was planning her attack on the food in the kitchen I was running with the kids and figuring out how to get their little white fluff ball of a dog to play with me. Their dog does not like other dogs, but what dog wouldn't want to play with me? Also, while I was there I learned how to jump REALLY high as I jumped from behind the living room couch and landed on the top of the back side of the couch where I could see everyone. I don't know why everyone laughed and then mom yelled at me to get down, but before I knew it mom pulled me off the couch and told me "no." Mmmm...I am still unsure of what I did wrong. That was quite the day of playing as I didn't get one nap in that day, so once I got back to grandma and grandpa's house I was out cold. Mom thought this was great!

Before Madison and I knew it mom and dad had us back in the car to head back to Arizona for another 26 hour car drive. We were pretty lucky that dad is addicted to his iPhone so that he was aware of the bad weather northern Arizona was getting. We learned they had to close down major highways due to the bad snow storms, so mom and dad were able to go from Albuquerque, NM down south to Tucson and then up to Phoenix. It added on another two hours to our drive; however, we were just glad we made it home safe and did not get stuck in the mountains like so many other people did. I hope everyone had a great Christmas as I know Madison, mom, dad and myself did in Wisconsin!