Sunday, June 28, 2009
Hot & Lazy Weekend
Well, it was a very pretty chill weekend as we were still recouping from the previous weekend in Denver. On Friday we watched Netflix’s latest delivery, The Curious Case of Benjamin Button with Brad Pitt. It was definitely a great movie. I really liked the story line as it got me thinking how crazy would that be if it really happened. If you haven’t seen it yet, it’s definitely a must see. Then on Saturday Andy’s latest purchase arrived at the house, a brand new tent. We are going camping again this year, yes I am braving nature again, and Andy wanted a tent that he can stand in since he is so friggin’ tall. He found one and he wanted to make sure we could put it up before we go camping so he thought it would be a great idea to put it up in the backyard. Typically this sounds like a great idea, but not when it’s 110 degrees outside. By the time we took the tent down we were both sweaty, hot and getting crabby. The tent was only up for a short time when we started taking it down and the poles were scorching hot. They were so hot that we could barely touch them. This tells you how hot it was outside. Once the tent was down we both immediately jumped in the pool and the cool pool water felt like a million bucks. It also washed away my crabbiness the heat brought on. We also spent the weekend shopping for other camping necessities. Remember, we don’t have much as we went camping for the first time (without my parents) last year. Other than that it was a pretty lazy weekend and a very HOT weekend.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Weekend in Denver
This past weekend we journeyed up to Colorado for a friend’s wedding. We arrived Thursday night in Denver and took the two hour tour from the airport to the hotel. Anyone that has been to Denver knows what I mean by that and if you haven’t been there it is because the airport is so far from Denver that it’s about a half an hour drive. On top of that we had to pick up our rental car which is a lovely bus shuttle from the airport and that was after we waited forever to get our bags. We landed at 8pm, but got to the hotel at 10pm just in time to still have drinks with everyone before they called it an early night. We got up early on Friday and took the rental car for a ride through the mountains and ended up in Breckenridge. The drive was about a half an hour long and well worth it because it is such a beautiful drive. I thought Arizona had mountains, but Colorado made Arizona look like hills compared to these mountains. I managed to survive Andy’s driving through the curvy road and we ended up making it to Breckenridge in one piece. Just before Breckenridge though I noticed a Coach Outlet store and got super excited. Andy said we could stop on the way home and we definitely stopped and I got myself a white leather souvenir with beige leather straps. Breckenridge is such a cute mountain town. I couldn’t believe there was snow on top of the mountains though. I definitely was not expecting that since we are in the middle/end of June. After wandering around the tiny town we decided to head back to Denver that is after our trip to the Coach store. Once we got back to town Andy and I did some more exploring before we headed out to dinner and then out for drinks. Saturday morning we were going to hit up the 16th street mall, but were way too tired from our late night on Saturday so we slept-in instead. The wedding was Saturday afternoon and it was a beautiful wedding. It was located on the top floor of a building and it had a large patio off the ballroom with absolutely beautiful views of the mountains. The bride looked stunning in her wedding dress and the groom definitely noticed as she entered the church. The booze was flowing and everyone was having a great time. I know Andy was having a great time as he was able to hang out with all of his guy friends at once for the first time in a very long time. This made for a very long night which ended up for a long day on Sunday for traveling. The flight home for Andy and I was rough, but we don’t care because we had so much fun with everyone that the pain on Sunday was well worth it. Denver was a great time, beautiful city, nice weather and great friends. I would like to see everyone again sooner than later.
Andy, Mike, Ross and I after the reception.
Monday, June 15, 2009
Super Cute Toes
So some of you might find this post to be kind of weird…ok, most of you, especially males. I don’t care because I just have to share this. There is a nail place down by my work in Tempe called Quality Nails that I have been frequenting once a month for the past year, thanks to my co-workers. The unique thing about this nail place is they do really neat hand drawn designs on your nails. I am not talking a cute flower like every other nail place, but really neat designs. This is not stickered on or spray painted, but all hand-painted. When you first walk in there are hundreds (and I do mean hundreds) of designs to choose from. My first time I was so overwhelmed with the possibilities that I didn’t know which one to choose, but now that I am a veteran at this place I usually have an idea of what I want on my toes. I have a wedding to attend this weekend and the dress I am going to wear is black, yellow and white so I went in already knowing my colors. All I had to do was pick out a design. To show you how neat this place is I took a picture of my super cute toes. I know that might sound weird, but how else am I going to get my point across about how cute my toes are.

Sunday, June 14, 2009
Mr. Bob Vila in Training
Andy isn’t necessarily Mr. Handyman around the house and anyone knows him understands why I say that. He just isn’t handy with tools and fixing things until this weekend he really impressed me with what he can do and it seems as if he impressed himself too. Ever since we moved in we have wanted to replace the door leading from the kitchen to the garage. The previous owners put it in and they just put in a regular door and not a garage door. They also installed it pretty poorly so it was something on our list of things to do, especially once Madison chewed up the trim around the door. Since Madison hasn’t chewed on the trim since we got Izzy we figured it is a good time to replace everything. Andy was definitely ready to tackle this as he was sick of looking at Madison’s damage and the crappy door. I was very unsure about this when I asked Andy if he was going to have Tom come over and help him and he said no. Honestly, that made me a little nervous. Andy bought the door at Home Depot and this weekend we went back to Home Depot to purchase the trim we needed for around the door and the saw we needed to cut the trim properly so it would look nice. No offense to Andy, but I kind of giggled at the saw purchase because I just couldn’t picture him using it. It’s a good purchase because we also want to replace all the base boards in the house and this is going to be a fall project. So, Andy tackled the door replacement on Friday night and most of the day on Saturday. He ripped out the old door and put in the new one. He then filled the gaps with that neat looking foamy stuff that expands. He busted out his brand new toy and he cut the trim to size. I came in from sun bathing by the pool once he was done to check out his work. I was pretty impressed. He did a great job! I know he was impressed with what he did too because he kept asking me if I liked it and if I was proud of him. Now I have all the faith in him to do the trim on the whole house. I will probably help him with that because that is a bigger job and not just a day job. Mr. Bob Vila in training…good job Andy!
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Madison...Our Drama Queen
We finally overpowered Madison and cut her nails. It’s only been 21 months since we got her and it’s the first time we were able to achieve this difficult task. After many attempts of holding her down, giving her Benadryl and even trying to pay PetSmart a half a dozen times we finally cut her damn nails and it felt good. It’s not that we got one, two or three nails, but we conquered all of them. It was not an easy task, but Andy decided that he had enough and those nails are getting cut no matter what it took. We put Izzy in the kitchen so she wouldn’t interrupt our plan. Then Andy held Madison down while she squirmed and cried like a two year old. I tried really hard to get her nails trimmed, but there was too much squirming and I didn’t want to attempt because I didn’t want to cut her kwik. I was ready to give up, but Andy was determined so he kept wrestling with Madison until Madison realized Andy wasn’t going to give up like all the times in the past. Andy finally won the wrestling match and Madison sat there with an evil look on her face as Andy had his arms tightly wrapped around her. I then went in and got all nails trimmed…every single one. While all of this was going on Izzy was freaking out in the kitchen crying and yelping. I think she thought we were hurting Madison and Izzy was trying to protect her sister. What a good sister Izzy is to be so worried about Madison like that. It was time for Andy to let Madison loose and I was afraid she was going to go ballistic on us because the look on her face was filled with pure evil. Almost as if she was letting us know we were going to pay for what we just did. Instead she just ignored us as she went to bed in the bedroom. That was quite the drama for a little nail trimming, but that is Madison…our little drama queen.
Sunday, June 7, 2009
TedFest Came and Went
Every year our friend has a birthday bash that he calls TedFest and we attended the festivities yesterday. Ted has been doing this for the past eight years I believe. TedFest has a Mexican theme to it with food and definitely CaboWabo shots and for those of you that don’t know CaboWabo that is tequila and it’s always flowing. There is also always a good game of Monkey Ball in the pool amongst all the guys. This year was much different than the first year we went four years ago. This year did have the tequila flowing, plenty of food, a keg and margaritas; however, this year also had more children in attendance and it was definitely much more calm. I am thinking people are getting older and they are creating babies that they bring to TedFest with them. Normally I would find that annoying, but I didn’t care this year. Everybody seemed to be having a great time; however there were no crazy drunks and nobody was out of control like previous years. There are no wild stories to tell. Andy had his fair share of tequila shots and got crazy in the pool playing Monkey Ball. The crazy pool game has put Andy out of commission for the day today because he is in a lot of pain due to his back being screwed up. These guys were out of control and basically drowning each other in the pool. It was very entertaining to watch, but I would never participate as it was way too brutal for me. I feel as though the calmness of TedFest is another sign that we (and our friends) are getting older. One plus to the calmer TedFest was that I was feeling fabulous today and had no problem getting out of bed this morning as there was no hangover.
Andy pouring one of his CaboWabo shots!
Andy and I at the end of the night before we left.
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