Saturday, February 28, 2009

Madison and Izzy's Latest

So, unfortunately our precious pooches love to eat cat poop. Yup, they both love to dig into Captain’s litter box and grab out a mouth watering turd encrusted with cat litter. I do not understand this behavior. I know dogs are known for eating their own poop, but another species? What’s going on? A few weeks ago I caught Madison in Captain’s toilet pulling out a turd and she knew this was wrong because as I yelled at her and lunged for her to drop the poop it was too late as Madison already had the turd completely swallowed. I thought this was a fluke, but since then Madison keeps heading towards the litter box in hopes of sneaking a turd. Since then I have also witnessed Izzy doing the same thing. I must say she had to see Madison doing this and think its ok. Oh, and Captain’s litter box isn’t a normal litter box. It’s a container with a lid on it that has a hole carved in the top so Captain can dive in and then jump out. We had to upgrade his litter box to something with a lid on it a while back because he likes to stand up and pee. In doing this in a normal litter box pee would then go everywhere including outside of the box. I know the way to stop the dogs from poking their faces in the litter box, is by de-turding it everyday. I am going to try and do that; however, I am a busy lady and tend to forget and therefore the dogs remind me that I forgot to scoop the poop one day when they are head first in the litter box. I have no other idea of how to get them to stop trying to eat the cat’s poop.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Good Friends, Food and Alcohol

Last night I got to use the buffet warmer that I got for Xmas from my parents because we had our friends over for a nacho bar. We had shredded chicken, beef, nacho cheese and all the fixings to make your own nachos. We also built a fire in the backyard and then roasted s’mores after dinner. I love having people over and entertaining. There is nothing better than being around good friends with some good food and alcohol to have a good time together. Our friends, the Reitz’s, are expecting a baby in four weeks and we were all hoping, ok maybe I was hoping, that she would go into labor last night so I could witness the labor. I think that might have been pretty neat to see…kind of like a science experiment. I guess I only would have been able to actually see it if they didn’t make it to the hospital in time and our friend had to deliver right here in our house. Before our friends got here I told Andy how neat that would be and his comment was “Who would clean up the mess?” Mmmm…didn’t think about. According to our other friend who came over last night if she did go into labor she would have to have the baby here because we live five hours from civilization. Well, that isn’t actually true as we would only have been a solid 30 minutes from the hospital that she has chosen to have her baby at. Either way I still think it would have been cool to witness the birth of baby Reitz. When we have guests over like this Madison and Izzy get very excited and they were up and playing until midnight. That is late for them since they normally go to bed by 10pm, but with all the excitement there was no way they were going to go to bed. They are just like little kids. The great thing about that is they slept all day today. I told Andy that with that kind of an effect on the dogs maybe we should have people over for dinner more often.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Old Age Or Just Being A Homeowner

Andy and I are pretty excited right now. We (meaning Andy) figured out our taxes and we learned that we are getting enough back to have our windows in our home replaced. It’s something that we have been wanting to do since we moved in and now we are going to be able to. We currently have the old Arizona metal framed, single pane windows and they have got to go. We are going to have three companies come in to give us quotes and to tell us how their windows are better than the other guys windows. I am super excited about this; however, I find it a little odd that I am so excited to be spending my tax return on windows. What happened to the days where I would spend my tax return on a vacation or a shopping spree? Is this a sign of old age, or being a homeowner? I am not sure. I would think if it was just a sign of being a homeowner I would not get excited to replace my windows, but instead be more reluctant to spend the money on windows. I would do it, but not with such excitement as I have now. The age of 30 is right around the corner and this widow excitement is just a friendly reminder of the fast approaching new decade.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Just A Hallmark Holiday

I am not a fan of Valentine’s Day, nor have I ever been a fan of the Hallmark Made Holiday. I just think it’s stupid that there is one designated day a year that a significant other is required to show their love and affection for their other half. Why only one day? Shouldn’t this be an every day event and not a celebration marked on the calendar once a year to pump money into the Hallmark Corporation? I think two people who love each other can show that every day and therefore the holiday does not need to be recognized. With that said Andy and I do exchange cards and we make a nice dinner together and that’s it. No expensive jewelry or flowers that are doomed to die any day…nope not us. So, yesterday we went to Whole Foods and got two Ahi Tuna steaks from the deli, vegetables and red potatoes. Oh, we also picked up two bottles of wine. I marinated the tuna in a homemade teriyaki sauce and then we seared it on the grill along with the vegetables and the potatoes. We then watched the Badger basketball game with wine out in the backyard while sitting by a fire. Now, that is what I call a nice evening. That is not something we do just once a year, but rather often and that’s the way it should be. Oh, we also did exchange our cards which were really nice and sweet. That was how we celebrated the Hallmark holiday and I hope everyone celebrated in whatever way makes you happy.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Izzy Is Back To Herself

It’s been a week and Izzy is finally back to herself after her surgery that took away her female parts. She started a little rough with the first night filled with many vomiting sessions. Then the second night she was sort of ok. On Saturday morning she was rough. She wouldn’t get out of bed and that is not like her on a Saturday morning. She is normally the first one up in the morning and ready to play. Once we finally pulled her out of her cage and stood her up to walk her outside she only made it to the hallway when she just started peeing. She wasn’t even squatting, but instead she just stood there as the stream of pee was hitting the tile floor. I was just happy that she at least made it until she hit the tile floor. This also struck us as very odd behavior. Once the mess was cleaned up and she was taken outside Andy had to carry her inside and lay her down on her bed. She wouldn’t move and we were really worried. Andy called the vet and took her in. We were given drugs for her and told to boil chicken for her and feed it to her with rice to get her to eat. Oh, boy, did she gobble that right up. Once she finally ate we knew she would be ok. Then on Sunday she was a little better, at least Andy did not have to carry her outside to go to the bathroom anymore as she was walking herself. We found out she is allergic to the stitches they used. That sounds pretty crazy, but it’s true. So, the vet marked in her file so those particular stitches are not used on her again. After a rough week of caring for Izzy she is now back to herself as she is playing crazily in the living room right now as I type this. We still have to keep her and Madison apart since they are not suppose to wrestle and we were instructed on no heavy playing or activity. Yeah, that will be difficult if we don’t keep them separated. It’s been tough, but with a lot of crying and whining the dogs are still separated, but Izzy is much better now.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Izzy Had Her Womanhood Taken From Her Today

Today was the day that Izzy went into the vet to get fixed. Andy dropped her off this morning and found out she is a solid 41 pounds now, which she definitely does not look like it. Andy got home and Madison was wondering where her sister and best friend went to. I guess Madison was lost all day without her. I stopped by the vet after work to pick up Izzy and I found myself sadden by the drugged state she was in. She didn’t even recognize me and she wasn’t even excited to see me because she was so drugged up. It also took me 15 minutes to walk her out to the car because she was so lethargic. I had a couple women offer to hold her leash while I went and pulled the car around because they could see I was struggling with her. This offer was tempting, but after living in a large city for a while I have learned that I can’t trust strangers. The first thought in my head was “Are you crazy, by the time I pull up in my car you could be gone with my precious Izzy.” So, slow and steady we headed to the Audi. Once I got her in the car I started pulling away when I noticed a ton of drool coming out of her mouth and landing on the leather seat. I thought this is ok because it can easily be wiped up when I get home. Then only seconds later she puked in between the driver’s seat and the passenger seat. As everyone knows I have a really weak stomach and very bad gag reflexes so I had to look the other way and think happy thoughts as Izzy continued to make loud retching noises as she puked. I felt really bad for her, but I had to do whatever I could so I wouldn’t join her in this puking festivity. I immediately call Andy to tell him what just happened and to ask him if he would clean it up for me since I was close to puking at the shear thought of cleaning it up. Of course he said yes and I was so happy as he saved me from something I completely dread and find absolutely disgusting. We get Izzy home and slowly walk her in the house while Andy holds an eager Madison as she was so excited to see her sister home. Madison couldn’t understand why Izzy was so out of it, not excited to see her and why Izzy wasn’t jumping around ready to play. So, poor Izzy lay next to me on the couch completely asleep and looking helpless and precious at the same time while Madison lay in the kitchen still wondering what is going on.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

The Greatest Show On Grass

This has been a busy week since it’s the week of the FBR Open and the Super Bowl is this weekend. That means everybody comes to town for the annual festivities and we always have guests. This year Andy’s brother and his friend stayed with us. His father and fiancé are also in town along with a handful of other Wisconsinites. Every year we all go to The Greatest Show on Grass which is only about 10 miles from our house at the TPC Scottsdale. The FBR Open is just a giant people watching party as you see all kinds of crazy people at this event. I am not really into golf, but I go for the party, people watching and just the craziness of it all. This has turned into an annual event for Andy and I. We always expect the same people to travel from WI and we will always have a coupe people stay with us. Following the FBR Open is a giant party in what they call the Bird’s Nest with live music and plenty of “beverages.” We all had good times on Friday. I would suggest anyone who hasn’t attended the FBR Open and Bird’s Nest to at least plan to do it once in your lifetime as you can guarantee yourself a good time.